Course aims

The course aims to explain the EU regulations in the field of safety and health of workers at work. The course also discusses the training of workers and their representatives.

Course outcomes

At the end of the course the participants are expected to know: which EU regulations are relevant for occupational safety and health, objectives, scope and requirements of the overall directive;  requirements for special personnel assigned to deal with occupational safety and health, how to prevent occupational risks; and how to implement guidelines and principles in companies.

Course content

Theory classes

1. Introduction to occupational safety and health 2. General principles for preventing occupational risks 3. Protection of safety and health 4. Eliminating risk and accident factors 5. General guidelines for implementing occupational safety and health principles 6. Informing, consultation and balanced participation in accordance with national laws and/or practices 7. Objective and scope of Directive 89/391/EC: Overall directive "occupational safety" 8. Employer obligations under Directive 89/391/EC 9. General obligations under Directive 89/391/EC 10. Employee obligations under Directive 89/391/EC 11. Overview of separate directive for occupational safety and health terms of article 16 of directive 89/391/EC 12. Carcinogens, chemical and biological working materials 13. Safety and health signs at work 14. Special personnel for occupational safety 15. Final exam

Practice classes

1. Separate directive: Index 2. Separate directive: Workplace 3. Separate directive: Use of work equipment 4. Separate directive: Use of personal protective equipment 5. Separate directive: Working with visual display units 6. Separate directive: Manual handling of loads 7. Separate directive: Endangerment by physical agency 8. Example for implementation of the work equipment directives into national legislation: Ordinance of safety and health (Germany) 9. Example for the implementation from the directives on personal protective equipment: Personal protective equipment usage ordinance (PSA-Germany) 10. Example for implementation of European Council Directives:" Handling of loads" in the Germany Labour Protection Laws 11. Carcinogens, chemical and biological working materials – Case study 12. Safety and health signs at work – Case study 13. Special personnel for occupational safety: Example Germany 14. Specialists for occupational safety: work doctor, safety representative, occupational medics, and first-aid-helpers 15. Preparation for final exam


1. Textbook: OSHA Occupational Safety and Health, version 2, January 2010                          

2. Transparencies to accompany each course unit.

3. Additional material, e.g. certification material and other relevant directives and documents.